Large Pendeh Chuval with Salor type gul.
Finely woven; old repair in the central portion of the bottom border (skirt).
Size: 52 inches x 32 inches (5'2" x 3'2"). Age: first half 20th century.
Large Pendeh Chuval with Salor type gul.
Finely woven; old repair in the central portion of the bottom border (skirt).
Size: 52 inches x 32 inches (5'2" x 3'2"). Age: first half 20th century.
Large Pendeh Chuval with Salor type gul. Finely woven; old repair in the central portion of the bottom border (skirt). Size: 52 inches x 32 inches (5'2" x 3'2"). Age: first half 20th century.
price:  Sold