
This rug was made by the hands of experience almost 30 years ago and was kept for the owner and completely NEW, excellent work, extra  ...
rug, handmade, country of origin: bosnia herzegovina (EUROPE) This rug was made by the hands of experience almost 30 years ago and was kept for the owner and completely new, excellent work, extra condition! Your benefit is double from the start, also it's well known that this carpets have anti alergy and therapeutic effect, so many of our costumers are satisfied from the very first day of using it and be shore have no trouble with mites as those beautiful pieces of oriental spirit are not just pretty but also very useful. All the other advantages you will found out from the first when you start using it. In the country of origin such kind of rugs are made of pure wool and usually can last more then 200 years in use! Measures 6.56/9.8 feet and approximately 24.25 pounds. This is unique opportunity for all the collectors and lovers of antique rugs to get this beautiful kilim under price 50% off for just usd 2.250. Shippment and handling by courier and is calculated within the price! You are welcome to visit us at:
price:  2.250