old indian textile and vintage costume

Rugrabbit note: For the third time. For the sake of transparency please list your actual name or a verifiable business name. Your account is being temporary blocked awaiting this information. Please contact us. Thanks! We are collecting old textile since last three generation..as my grandfather used to work for royal families.my grandfather was the interior decerator for royal family on jaisalmer. as after the division of india and pakistan and indian freedom.royality and there power finishesd. and india became an republic state. so after that my grandfather start his own business for selling ethnic indian textile.as my towm jaisamer(india)is also place which attract lots of tourist from diffrent region of the world.as many tourist used to buy ethnicc textile. along with that my father joined him. and he used to travell other parts of the country. and used to sell textile at our place. this is how our busines grow and keep growing. and now as we are third genaration we are trying to sell our pieces online. we have a great collection of kutchi textile and banjara textile. rabari textle.etc