Bet you don't have one of antique Neiriz chanteh 10 in. X 13 in.  wool with white warps, Persian knot down to the right, all natural colors, full pile with  ...
Bet you don't have one of antique Neiriz chanteh 10 in. X 13 in.  wool with white warps, Persian knot down to the right, all natural colors, full pile with  ...
Bet you don't have one of antique Neiriz chanteh 10 in. X 13 in.  wool with white warps, Persian knot down to the right, all natural colors, full pile with  ...
Bet you don't have one of antique Neiriz chanteh 10 in. X 13 in.  wool with white warps, Persian knot down to the right, all natural colors, full pile with  ...
Bet you don't have one of antique Neiriz chanteh 10 in. X 13 in.  wool with white warps, Persian knot down to the right, all natural colors, full pile with  ...
Bet you don't have one of antique Neiriz chanteh 10 in. x 13 in. wool with white warps, Persian knot down to the right, all natural colors, full pile with a few small moth bites near one corner; One stripe plain woven red back with a few stains; complete goat hair edge wrapping.
price:  POR