C141. Long sofre. Collected Afghanistan, but unknown origin. The field weave is unique - we've never seen it before. The border could be north or south Afghanistan. Mostly warp wrap kilim, but  ...
C141. Long sofre. Collected Afghanistan, but unknown origin. The field weave is unique - we've never seen it before. The border could be north or south Afghanistan. Mostly warp wrap kilim, but  ...
C141. Long sofre. Collected Afghanistan, but unknown origin. The field weave is unique - we've never seen it before. The border could be north or south Afghanistan. Mostly warp wrap kilim, but  ...
c141. Long sofre. Collected Afghanistan, but unknown origin. The field weave is unique - we've never seen it before. The border could be north or south Afghanistan. Mostly warp wrap kilim, but bands are a soumak weave. 300x85cm. 9'10x2'10. us$750 inc delivery.
price:  US$750 inc delivery