fragment -  approx 3.6 x 6 - at least 3 pieces stitched together and lined. LOTS of damage - dry silk, unsecured areas, holes, tears but still pleasing.
fragment -  approx 3.6 x 6 - at least 3 pieces stitched together and lined. LOTS of damage - dry silk, unsecured areas, holes, tears but still pleasing.
fragment -  approx 3.6 x 6 - at least 3 pieces stitched together and lined. LOTS of damage - dry silk, unsecured areas, holes, tears but still pleasing.
fragment -  approx 3.6 x 6 - at least 3 pieces stitched together and lined. LOTS of damage - dry silk, unsecured areas, holes, tears but still pleasing.
fragment - approx 3.6 x 6 - at least 3 pieces stitched together and lined. lots of damage - dry silk, unsecured areas, holes, tears but still pleasing.
price:  SOLD. Thank you.