An indigo padded winter jacket for daily use, from Guangxi province, Southwestern China. Cotton, with cotton padding. 19th Century. 134cm x 73cm.

This is a Miao minority jacket, however it is essentially the  ...
An indigo padded winter jacket for daily use, from Guangxi province, Southwestern China. Cotton, with cotton padding. 19th Century. 134cm x 73cm.

This is a Miao minority jacket, however it is essentially the  ...
An indigo padded winter jacket for daily use, from Guangxi province, Southwestern China. Cotton, with cotton padding. 19th Century. 134cm x 73cm. This is a Miao minority jacket, however it is essentially the same as the archetypal working person's jacket used all across rural China at one time. Despite being made and used in large numbers they were rarely kept and so do not often appear for sale. The side-fastening style was generally used by women. The fastenings are knots and eyes: the eye at the top left near the collar has been replaced at some stage. All other parts of the jacket are original.
price:  US$260