Old Bahktiari Runner-- 3 ft 5 inches by 14 ft. 2 inches. Nice long one. Wonderful thick tribal thing with animals. All natural dyes. Indigo ground but very colorful with lots of  ...
Old Bahktiari Runner-- 3 ft 5 inches by 14 ft. 2 inches. Nice long one. Wonderful thick tribal thing with animals. All natural dyes. Indigo ground but very colorful with lots of  ...
Old Bahktiari Runner-- 3 ft 5 inches by 14 ft. 2 inches. Nice long one. Wonderful thick tribal thing with animals. All natural dyes. Indigo ground but very colorful with lots of  ...
Old Bahktiari Runner-- 3 ft 5 inches by 14 ft. 2 inches. Nice long one. Wonderful thick tribal thing with animals. All natural dyes. Indigo ground but very colorful with lots of  ...
Old Bahktiari Runner-- 3 ft 5 inches by 14 ft. 2 inches. Nice long one. Wonderful thick tribal thing with animals. All natural dyes. Indigo ground but very colorful with lots of  ...
Old Bahktiari Runner-- 3 ft 5 inches by 14 ft. 2 inches. Nice long one. Wonderful thick tribal thing with animals. All natural dyes. Indigo ground but very colorful with lots of  ...
Old Bahktiari Runner-- 3 ft 5 inches by 14 ft. 2 inches. Nice long one. Wonderful thick tribal thing with animals. All natural dyes. Indigo ground but very colorful with lots of  ...
Old Bahktiari Runner-- 3 ft 5 inches by 14 ft. 2 inches. Nice long one. Wonderful thick tribal thing with animals. All natural dyes. Indigo ground but very colorful with lots of nice abrashes. Mitered at one end probably take out a pucker. Real well done and pretty innocuous.
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