Pre-Columbian Sash With Human Figures
Peru, Chimu Culture
1000 – 1400 A.D.
Total Length: 105" (267 cm)
Width: 2.5" (6.3 cm)
Ref: 552

Please visit our online exhibition: Andean Textile Traditions.
Pre-Columbian Sash With Human Figures
Peru, Chimu Culture
1000 – 1400 A.D.
Total Length: 105" (267 cm)
Width: 2.5" (6.3 cm)
Ref: 552

Please visit our online exhibition: Andean Textile Traditions.
Pre-Columbian Sash With Human Figures
Peru, Chimu Culture
1000 – 1400 A.D.
Total Length: 105" (267 cm)
Width: 2.5" (6.3 cm)
Ref: 552

Please visit our online exhibition: Andean Textile Traditions.
Pre-Columbian Sash With Human Figures
Peru, Chimu Culture
1000 – 1400 A.D.
Total Length: 105" (267 cm)
Width: 2.5" (6.3 cm)
Ref: 552

Please visit our online exhibition: Andean Textile Traditions.

price:  SOLD - THANK YOU