Jeff Spur: Style and Identity, People or Place: The Case for Lakai Suzanis," a talk about the Central Asian embroideries (SFBARS Lecture)

Jeff Spur: Style and Identity, People or Place: The Case for Lakai Suzanis," a talk about the Central Asian embroideries (SFBARS Lecture)

Jeff Spur: Style and Identity, People or Place: The Case for Lakai Suzanis," a talk about the Central Asian embroideries (SFBARS Lecture)

SFBARS meeting: Jeff Spur from Harvard and the New England Rug Society will be speaking at Emmett Eiland's Gallery in Berkeley on "Style and Identity, People or Place: The Case for Lakai Suzanis," a talk about the Central Asian embroideries.

Starting on 22, April, 2010