Let a Beautiful Antique Oriental Carpet Complete the Look of Your Space

Designing with Antique Oriental Carpets to achieve a Polished Look

Designing with Oriental Carpets: Nazmiyal Design Blog

We all know the famous Big Lebowski quote about the ill-fated rug that “really tied the room together”. Though the movie is comedic, the quote rings true: A beautiful and well-made oriental carpet can do wonders to bring together disparate design elements in a space. The right rug or carpet has the ability to add texture, a complementary dose of color, and a sense of elegance to a space. The right carpet also grounds a room: It gives the space a new point of focus and makes furniture and room accessories really stand out.

In this blog post, we’ll take a glimpse at several gorgeous interior designs that utilize antique Oriental carpets to accomplish a finished, cohesive look, as well as suggest pieces from the Nazmiyal Collection of Antique Rugs that can give your home the same sense of polish.
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