Khorossan Baluch Minakhani Rug with Open Blossoms. This is an uncommon variant seen most frequently on earlier minakhani Baluch carpets. This piece was woven with depressed warps, natural colors including aubergine and  ...
Khorossan Baluch Minakhani Rug with Open Blossoms. This is an uncommon variant seen most frequently on earlier minakhani Baluch carpets. This piece was woven with depressed warps, natural colors including aubergine and  ...
Khorossan Baluch Minakhani Rug with Open Blossoms. This is an uncommon variant seen most frequently on earlier minakhani Baluch carpets. This piece was woven with depressed warps, natural colors including aubergine and  ...
Khorossan Baluch Minakhani Rug with Open Blossoms. This is an uncommon variant seen most frequently on earlier minakhani Baluch carpets. This piece was woven with depressed warps, natural colors including aubergine and  ...
Khorossan Baluch Minakhani Rug with Open Blossoms. This is an uncommon variant seen most frequently on earlier minakhani Baluch carpets. This piece was woven with depressed warps, natural colors including aubergine and  ...
Khorossan Baluch Minakhani Rug with Open Blossoms. This is an uncommon variant seen most frequently on earlier minakhani Baluch carpets. This piece was woven with depressed warps, natural colors including aubergine and  ...
Khorossan Baluch Minakhani Rug with Open Blossoms. This is an uncommon variant seen most frequently on earlier minakhani Baluch carpets. This piece was woven with depressed warps, natural colors including aubergine and at least three blues. Like many older Afshar pieces the orange color is stronger on the back but completely natural. The original selvedges are missing but there are traces of kilim on both ends. size = 117x197cm (46" x 78")
price:  SOLD