Rare Selendang Limar with very nice DRAGON ikat motive from Bangka, Sumatera Indonesia . Conditions: has many holes at the tumpal side, but no glue anywhere just some village original repairs in  ...
Rare Selendang Limar with very nice DRAGON ikat motive from Bangka, Sumatera Indonesia . Conditions: has many holes at the tumpal side, but no glue anywhere just some village original repairs in  ...
Rare Selendang Limar with very nice DRAGON ikat motive from Bangka, Sumatera Indonesia . Conditions: has many holes at the tumpal side, but no glue anywhere just some village original repairs in  ...
Rare Selendang Limar with very nice DRAGON ikat motive from Bangka, Sumatera Indonesia . Conditions: has many holes at the tumpal side, but no glue anywhere just some village original repairs in  ...
Rare Selendang Limar with very nice DRAGON ikat motive from Bangka, Sumatera Indonesia . Conditions: has many holes at the tumpal side, but no glue anywhere just some village original repairs in  ...
Rare Selendang Limar with very nice DRAGON ikat motive from Bangka, Sumatera Indonesia . Conditions: has many holes at the tumpal side, but no glue anywhere just some village original repairs in  ...
Rare Selendang Limar with very nice dragon ikat motive from Bangka, Sumatera Indonesia . Conditions: has many holes at the tumpal side, but no glue anywhere just some village original repairs in the tumpals. The ikat is near mint condition.Silk and gold threads as a materials. 220cm x 86cm. 18th-19th Century.
price:  sold