Long complete Sachikara tribe saf kilim from the Konya region. I had a small version of this kilim a couple of years ago that someone bought through Rugrabbit and here is its  ...
Long complete Sachikara tribe saf kilim from the Konya region. I had a small version of this kilim a couple of years ago that someone bought through Rugrabbit and here is its  ...
Long complete Sachikara tribe saf kilim from the Konya region. I had a small version of this kilim a couple of years ago that someone bought through Rugrabbit and here is its  ...
Long complete Sachikara tribe saf kilim from the Konya region. I had a small version of this kilim a couple of years ago that someone bought through Rugrabbit and here is its  ...
Long complete Sachikara tribe saf kilim from the Konya region. i had a small version of this kilim a couple of years ago that someone bought through Rugrabbit and here is its big brother, found in the same place Cappadocia over Easter. The red hair is not aniline, although the yellow in the striped shirt and the red in the dungarees definitely are. i know this because Kathi dyed them herself!

But back to the Konya kilim, it has got some old repairs and some less old repairs (unlike Kathi who is still in completely original condition but i'm afraid is not for sale), after all the kilim has been around for longer than any of us, see the closeup of the red/brown in the link below for instance. i estimated the kilim to be from about 1850-1880 but a friend far more knowledgeable than me on Anatolian kilims believes it could well be a bit earlier. What do you think? 290cm x 112cm

For more photos see the link from the top of this page:

Please contact me for more information.

price:  Please enquire