3 | Afshar Neyriz, South Persia, around 1930

Wool on cotton
Persia, around 1930
Knot density: approx. 160,000 knots per m2
Dimensions: 1.63 (1.70) x 1.14 m
Age-according good condition
The Afshar is visually  ...
3 | Afshar Neyriz, South Persia, around 1930
  • Wool on cotton
  • Persia, around 1930
  • Knot density: approx. 160,000 knots per m2
  • Dimensions: 1.63 (1.70) x 1.14 m
  • Age-according good condition
  • The Afshar is visually characterized by an extremely subtle sense of color and by a great variety
  • This item cannot be delivered to an address within the USA
  • This object is sold through the Berlin office
In the foreground stands a great geometric separation of the field of a Neyriz motif, filled in the black field with three carmine red medallions. The field is framed by three towers with crosses on both narrow sides. Behind is a night blue ground with stylized elements. The border is filled with two slim stripe borders and one wide foliage border on white. The rug is in age-according good condition. The dimensions are 1.63 (1.70) x 1.14 m.
price:  € 750