This Luri-Bakhtiari ( or possibly Veramin ) salt bag is a graphic delight. A central cruciform element is drawn in white cotton against a deep rose madder ground, surrounded by diagonally radiating  ...
This Luri-Bakhtiari ( or possibly Veramin ) salt bag is a graphic delight. a central cruciform element is drawn in white cotton against a deep rose madder ground, surrounded by diagonally radiating stripes in the corners. Cotton highlights add pleasing contrast throughout. Small rosettes punctuate the entirety of the field, crisply formed through weft-float substitution. The neck draws a colorful striped weft-float pattern, while the bottom is reinforced by a small section of pile.
Collection of Dr. and Mrs. William t. Price
size= 1'3" x 2'0" , Inv# 17715
price:  $1800