Exceptional Salt Bag, Beludj, around 1910, ca. 70 x 54 cm

Nice piece with old and beautiful light colours in good condition!

Collectors piece!
Exceptional Salt Bag, Beludj, around 1910, ca. 70 x 54 cm

Nice piece with old and beautiful light colours in good condition!

Collectors piece!
Exceptional Salt Bag, Beludj, around 1910, ca. 70 x 54 cm

Nice piece with old and beautiful light colours in good condition!

Collectors piece!
Exceptional Salt Bag, Beludj, around 1910, ca. 70 x 54 cm

Nice piece with old and beautiful light colours in good condition!

Collectors piece!
Exceptional Salt Bag, Beludj, around 1910, ca. 70 x 54 cm Nice piece with old and beautiful light colours in good condition! Collectors piece!
price:  € 790,--