A Ming dynasty textile fragment with incredible color and a bevy of Chinese symbols dispersed throughout it's two layered design. The top design is done in silk brocade, while the underlying design  ...
A Ming dynasty textile fragment with incredible color and a bevy of Chinese symbols dispersed throughout it's two layered design. The top design is done in silk brocade, while the underlying design  ...
A Ming dynasty textile fragment with incredible color and a bevy of Chinese symbols dispersed throughout it's two layered design. The top design is done in silk brocade, while the underlying design  ...
a Ming dynasty textile fragment with incredible color and a bevy of Chinese symbols dispersed throughout it's two layered design. The top design is done in silk brocade, while the underlying design is done in metal-wrapped paper substrate. Blue linen ( or cotton ? ) background. Complete on three sides. 2'2" x 1'10". Please see this and more collectible pieces on our website at:
price:  SOLD