Zari Embroidery(Chauki Cover) - 
Beaten sheets of silver are drawn into strips and wires, wound round silk threads and set on a adda
or a frame when the craftsperson puts all his skill  ...
Zari Embroidery(Chauki Cover) - Beaten sheets of silver are drawn into strips and wires, wound round silk threads and set on a adda or a frame when the craftsperson puts all his skill to test to over par himself. From its references in the Ramanaya and Mahabharata, to the patronization of the Mughals, Zari embroidery has been in the Royal households since centuries. This particular marvel embroidered with silver wires is known as Kalabattun. Plain wires are called Badla and when wound round a thread, it is known as Kasav. Kasav has been used with small silver spangles called sitara. This piece might have been used a cover for Chauki or low ceremonial stools in the royal households. The central pink area has an eight pointed star embellished in fine badla work and sitara. The purple border is laid with sickle shaped small butis and the space in between is filled with small flowers. The entire piece has been embroidered on a satin fabric.
price:  Sold