Kerman Runner

2.8 by 16.3
0.85 x 4.96

This full pile SE Persian runner with an ivory ground, broken border and tones of  warm red, powder blue, light blue, rust and goldenrod displays vases  ...
Kerman Runner

2.8 by 16.3
0.85 x 4.96

This full pile SE Persian runner with an ivory ground, broken border and tones of  warm red, powder blue, light blue, rust and goldenrod displays vases  ...
Kerman Runner

2.8 by 16.3
0.85 x 4.96

This full pile SE Persian runner with an ivory ground, broken border and tones of  warm red, powder blue, light blue, rust and goldenrod displays vases  ...
Kerman Runner

2.8 by 16.3
0.85 x 4.96

This full pile SE Persian runner with an ivory ground, broken border and tones of  warm red, powder blue, light blue, rust and goldenrod displays vases  ...
Kerman Runner 2.8 by 16.3 0.85 x 4.96 This full pile se Persian runner with an ivory ground, broken border and tones of warm red, powder blue, light blue, rust and goldenrod displays vases and flowers alternating with pure flower groups. The dyes are all natural on this airy carpet confection with strong French overtones. Circa: 1955 (35225)
price:  Price On Request