Hatchlu, Ersari Engsi, 200 x 155 Cm. 

interesting details;
beneath a ground panel on a light brown/red field an ornament that looks like
two arms and hands.  
next, a row of anchor shaped  ...
Hatchlu, Ersari Engsi, 200 x 155 Cm. 

interesting details;
beneath a ground panel on a light brown/red field an ornament that looks like
two arms and hands.  
next, a row of anchor shaped  ...
Hatchlu, Ersari Engsi, 200 x 155 Cm. 

interesting details;
beneath a ground panel on a light brown/red field an ornament that looks like
two arms and hands.  
next, a row of anchor shaped  ...
Hatchlu, Ersari Engsi, 200 x 155 Cm. 

interesting details;
beneath a ground panel on a light brown/red field an ornament that looks like
two arms and hands.  
next, a row of anchor shaped  ...
Hatchlu, Ersari Engsi, 200 x 155 Cm. 

interesting details;
beneath a ground panel on a light brown/red field an ornament that looks like
two arms and hands.  
next, a row of anchor shaped  ...
Hatchlu, Ersari Engsi, 200 x 155 Cm. 

interesting details;
beneath a ground panel on a light brown/red field an ornament that looks like
two arms and hands.  
next, a row of anchor shaped  ...
Hatchlu, Ersari Engsi, 200 x 155 Cm. 

interesting details;
beneath a ground panel on a light brown/red field an ornament that looks like
two arms and hands.  
next, a row of anchor shaped  ...
Hatchlu, Ersari Engsi, 200 x 155 Cm. 

interesting details;
beneath a ground panel on a light brown/red field an ornament that looks like
two arms and hands.  
next, a row of anchor shaped  ...
Hatchlu, Ersari Engsi, 200 x 155 Cm. 

interesting details;
beneath a ground panel on a light brown/red field an ornament that looks like
two arms and hands.  
next, a row of anchor shaped  ...
Hatchlu, Ersari Engsi, 200 x 155 Cm. 

interesting details;
beneath a ground panel on a light brown/red field an ornament that looks like
two arms and hands.  
next, a row of anchor shaped  ...
Hatchlu, Ersari Engsi, 200 x 155 Cm. interesting details; beneath a ground panel on a light brown/red field an ornament that looks like two arms and hands. next, a row of anchor shaped kepse guls, barber pole, rarely seen, than an interesting combination of aina-kotchak and kepse guls. Barberpole again. In the centre a horizontal panel with alternating squares with curled dragons and a cross dividing four squares who are diagonal cut. Central on each half a potent mihrab crowned with a rams horn. Specially the top one reminds me to Beshir. Dark indigo blue alternating a light blue and black. All natural colors. Some wear on the left border and in the richt top field, headings are intact, low pile. i did not wash it yet. Might benefit. The white color adds liveliness and strength to the pattern. ...beautiful totem on the wall!
price:  sold