deeeeeep deeeep aubergine, cherry red, peach, turquise and dark green ... what else would you need on a baluch rug? Zabol / Sistan (?) baluch .... stylized human figures (?) waving on  ...
deeeeeep deeeep aubergine, cherry red, peach, turquise and dark green ... what else would you need on a baluch rug? Zabol / Sistan (?) baluch .... stylized human figures (?) waving on  ...
deeeeeep deeeep aubergine, cherry red, peach, turquise and dark green ... what else would you need on a baluch rug? Zabol / Sistan (?) baluch .... stylized human figures (?) waving on  ...
deeeeeep deeeep aubergine, cherry red, peach, turquise and dark green ... what else would you need on a baluch rug? Zabol / Sistan (?) baluch .... stylized human figures (?) waving on  ...
deeeeeep deeeep aubergine, cherry red, peach, turquise and dark green ... what else would you need on a baluch rug? Zabol / Sistan (?) baluch .... stylized human figures (?) waving on  ...
deeeeeep deeeep aubergine, cherry red, peach, turquise and dark green ... what else would you need on a baluch rug? Zabol / Sistan (?) baluch .... stylized human figures (?) waving on  ...
deeeeeep deeeep aubergine, cherry red, peach, turquise and dark green ... what else would you need on a baluch rug? Zabol / Sistan (?) baluch .... stylized human figures (?) waving on  ...
deeeeeep deeeep aubergine, cherry red, peach, turquise and dark green ... what else would you need on a baluch rug? Zabol / Sistan (?) baluch .... stylized human figures (?) waving on  ...
deeeeeep deeeep aubergine, cherry red, peach, turquise and dark green ... what else would you need on a baluch rug? Zabol / Sistan (?) baluch .... stylized human figures (?) waving on  ...
deeeeeep deeeep aubergine, cherry red, peach, turquise and dark green ... what else would you need on a baluch rug? Zabol / Sistan (?) baluch .... stylized human figures (?) waving on a deep aubergine ground ... i've never seen that field before ... did you?! very strong turkmen influence ... with original kilim end decorated with sumakh weave ... . more pieces:
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