Antique Chinese Bamboo Vest

Bamboo Vests were used as undershirts under silk garments. They served the duel purpose of allowing some air circulation and protected the silk garments from body oils. These vest  ...
Antique Chinese Bamboo Vest

Bamboo Vests were used as undershirts under silk garments. They served the duel purpose of allowing some air circulation and protected the silk garments from body oils. These vest  ...
Antique Chinese Bamboo Vest

Bamboo Vests were used as undershirts under silk garments. They served the duel purpose of allowing some air circulation and protected the silk garments from body oils. These vest  ...
Antique Chinese Bamboo Vest

Bamboo Vests were used as undershirts under silk garments. They served the duel purpose of allowing some air circulation and protected the silk garments from body oils. These vest  ...
Antique Chinese Bamboo Vest Bamboo Vests were used as undershirts under silk garments. They served the duel purpose of allowing some air circulation and protected the silk garments from body oils. These vest were fragile and they have become very rare and hard to find. They were made with small pieces of bamboo which are literally strung together to form a garment. This bamboo vest is a particularly nice one. It was constructed of very small bamboo pieces, the edges of the garment are bound with a thin band of linen fabric, and there is a decorative double border of large spaces around the lower part of the vest. It is in very good condition.
price:  sold