Vintage Kantha
All living creatures are described by delicate embroidery.
Size 160 x 117.5cm

The price doesn't include transportation fee.
Further information and photos, please feel free to ask.
Vintage Kantha
All living creatures are described by delicate embroidery.
Size 160 x 117.5cm

The price doesn't include transportation fee.
Further information and photos, please feel free to ask.
Vintage Kantha
All living creatures are described by delicate embroidery.
Size 160 x 117.5cm

The price doesn't include transportation fee.
Further information and photos, please feel free to ask.
Vintage Kantha
All living creatures are described by delicate embroidery.
Size 160 x 117.5cm

The price doesn't include transportation fee.
Further information and photos, please feel free to ask.
Vintage Kantha All living creatures are described by delicate embroidery. Size 160 x 117.5cm No.567 The price doesn't include transportation fee. Further information and photos, please feel free to ask.
price:  USD 1,600 plus shipping