MOROCCAN BERBER PART SILK SADDLE BAGS from the western Middle Atlas province of Zemmour. This is an old set of bags which would have been used to carry goods on a donkey  ...
MOROCCAN BERBER PART SILK SADDLE BAGS from the western Middle Atlas province of Zemmour. This is an old set of bags which would have been used to carry goods on a donkey  ...
moroccan berber part silk saddle bags from the western Middle Atlas province of Zemmour. This is an old set of bags which would have been used to carry goods on a donkey or horse. The condition is excellent and the embroidered design sections across the front panels are fine. The white sections are cotton and the bags are adorned with sequins and 22 original tassels, some in coloured silks. Reference 2972. Size 125 x 45 cms., or 50 x 18 ins. Euros 150.
price:  euros 150.