Bakshaish - late 19th Century
Measuring 4’5” x 3’10”
Overal good condition for the age

This little gem came from a Canadian collector in Vancouver
Bakshaish - late 19th Century
Measuring 4’5” x 3’10”
Overal good condition for the age

This little gem came from a Canadian collector in Vancouver
Bakshaish - late 19th Century
Measuring 4’5” x 3’10”
Overal good condition for the age

This little gem came from a Canadian collector in Vancouver
Bakshaish - late 19th Century
Measuring 4’5” x 3’10”
Overal good condition for the age

This little gem came from a Canadian collector in Vancouver
Bakshaish - late 19th Century
Measuring 4’5” x 3’10”
Overal good condition for the age

This little gem came from a Canadian collector in Vancouver
Bakshaish - late 19th Century Measuring 4’5” x 3’10” Overal good condition for the age This little gem came from a Canadian collector in Vancouver
price:  Sold