Very appealing medium sized Chinese carpet, most likely from the Ningxia area. The large 'Running T' main boarder anchors a richly saturated yellow center field with superimposed flower like rosette's set over  ...
Very appealing medium sized Chinese carpet, most likely from the Ningxia area. The large 'Running T' main boarder anchors a richly saturated yellow center field with superimposed flower like rosette's set over  ...
Very appealing medium sized Chinese carpet, most likely from the Ningxia area. The large 'Running T' main boarder anchors a richly saturated yellow center field with superimposed flower like rosette's set over  ...
Very appealing medium sized Chinese carpet, most likely from the Ningxia area. The large 'Running T' main boarder anchors a richly saturated yellow center field with superimposed flower like rosette's set over  ...
Very appealing medium sized Chinese carpet, most likely from the Ningxia area. The large 'Running t' main boarder anchors a richly saturated yellow center field with superimposed flower like rosette's set over what could be construed as a double dorje-like blue cross design. The 'flower' itself has a rich red dyed center with lovely subtle pink 'petals'. (This pink is not from 'red dye run', but purposely pink dyed wool, as is proven by the adjacent white weft threads - as seen on the back - that remain white; which would have turned pink if the red dye had 'ran' or migrated.) The blues used are also of varying natural shades. Overall the design combines to presents a very pleasing geometric pattern throughout the center field. All natural dyes with no fading, cotton warp and weft, made circa 1900 - 1920. Size 1.25m x 0.69m (49" x 27"). Charming beautifully patterned carpet in excellent condition.
price:  SOLD, thank you!