This is a unique and rare Motasham Kashan horse cover that measures 3.10x2.6ft. The center flower creates a dramatic colors contract against the orangey-colored field. This piece dates back to the 1880s  ...
This is a unique and rare Motasham Kashan horse cover that measures 3.10x2.6ft. The center flower creates a dramatic colors contract against the orangey-colored field. This piece dates back to the 1880s  ...
This is a unique and rare Motasham Kashan horse cover that measures 3.10x2.6ft. The center flower creates a dramatic colors contract against the orangey-colored field. This piece dates back to the 1880s  ...
This is a unique and rare Motasham Kashan horse cover that measures 3.10x2.6ft. The center flower creates a dramatic colors contract against the orangey-colored field. This piece dates back to the 1880s  ...
This is a unique and rare Motasham Kashan horse cover that measures 3.10x2.6ft. The center flower creates a dramatic colors contract against the orangey-colored field. This piece dates back to the 1880s and has all-natural vegetable dyes. This is the only horse cover i have even seen produced by the Motasham Kashan family and was probably a special order for an important figure. Sold thank you
price:  Sold