Uzbek Lakai, Saye Gosha yurt ornament. Suzani style chain silk embroidery in pink, green, yellow and crimson on cotton, suspending netting weave and wool tassels with metal beads. 30"h x 32"w; arms  ...
Uzbek Lakai, Saye Gosha yurt ornament. Suzani style chain silk embroidery in pink, green, yellow and crimson on cotton, suspending netting weave and wool tassels with metal beads. 30"h x 32"w; arms  ...
Uzbek Lakai, Saye Gosha yurt ornament. Suzani style chain silk embroidery in pink, green, yellow and crimson on cotton, suspending netting weave and wool tassels with metal beads. 30"h x 32"w; arms  ...
Uzbek Lakai, Saye Gosha yurt ornament. Suzani style chain silk embroidery in pink, green, yellow and crimson on cotton, suspending netting weave and wool tassels with metal beads. 30"h x 32"w; arms  ...
Uzbek Lakai, Saye Gosha yurt ornament. Suzani style chain silk embroidery in pink, green, yellow and crimson on cotton, suspending netting weave and wool tassels with metal beads. 30"h x 32"w; arms 11"d each with tassels. Cheers.
price:  $130, domestic shipping included.