Snow flake Khorasan Baluch. 45"X75"  115X190 cm including the kilim ends. Minakhani border, Soft and supple with shiny wool, hard to photograph with light reflection..
Snow flake Khorasan Baluch. 45"X75"  115X190 cm including the kilim ends. Minakhani border, Soft and supple with shiny wool, hard to photograph with light reflection..
Snow flake Khorasan Baluch. 45"X75"  115X190 cm including the kilim ends. Minakhani border, Soft and supple with shiny wool, hard to photograph with light reflection..
Snow flake Khorasan Baluch. 45"X75"  115X190 cm including the kilim ends. Minakhani border, Soft and supple with shiny wool, hard to photograph with light reflection..
Snow flake Khorasan Baluch. 45"X75"  115X190 cm including the kilim ends. Minakhani border, Soft and supple with shiny wool, hard to photograph with light reflection..
Snow flake Khorasan Baluch. 45"x75" 115x190 cm including the kilim ends. Minakhani border, Soft and supple with shiny wool, hard to photograph with light reflection..
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