Amazing Antique Caucasian Karabakh (Qarabag) Carpet, 19th Century,

395 × 295 cm (12' 11" × 9' 8")

The ivory field wit overall design of stylised cypress trees, shaped floral panels, angular floral sprays and  ...
Amazing Antique Caucasian Karabakh (Qarabag) Carpet, 19th Century,

395 × 295 cm (12' 11" × 9' 8")

The ivory field wit overall design of stylised cypress trees, shaped floral panels, angular floral sprays and  ...
Amazing Antique Caucasian Karabakh (Qarabag) Carpet, 19th Century,

395 × 295 cm (12' 11" × 9' 8")

The ivory field wit overall design of stylised cypress trees, shaped floral panels, angular floral sprays and  ...
Amazing Antique Caucasian Karabakh (Qarabag) Carpet, 19th Century,

395 × 295 cm (12' 11" × 9' 8")

The ivory field wit overall design of stylised cypress trees, shaped floral panels, angular floral sprays and  ...
Amazing Antique Caucasian Karabakh (Qarabag) Carpet, 19th Century,

395 × 295 cm (12' 11" × 9' 8")

The ivory field wit overall design of stylised cypress trees, shaped floral panels, angular floral sprays and  ...
Amazing Antique Caucasian Karabakh (Qarabag) Carpet, 19th Century, 395 × 295 cm (12' 11" × 9' 8") The ivory field wit overall design of stylised cypress trees, shaped floral panels, angular floral sprays and hooked lozenges. In rust- red border of bold polychrome palemttes and angular floral vine between yellow floral meander and plain stripes. Rather unusual design for this type also large size. Very nicely stem design and well balanced colours. This carpet has full pile and is in very good condition. Selvages original. Ends with short fringes secured. Very elegant and good furnishing carpet.
price:  POR