I am really not sure what this is and would be delighted with any suggestions. The panel comes from the Saxon area of Roumania and is embroidered on a thin rather open  ...
I am really not sure what this is and would be delighted with any suggestions. The panel comes from the Saxon area of Roumania and is embroidered on a thin rather open  ...
I am really not sure what this is and would be delighted with any suggestions. The panel comes from the Saxon area of Roumania and is embroidered on a thin rather open  ...
I am really not sure what this is and would be delighted with any suggestions. The panel comes from the Saxon area of Roumania and is embroidered on a thin rather open  ...
i am really not sure what this is and would be delighted with any suggestions. The panel comes from the Saxon area of Roumania and is embroidered on a thin rather open weave linen in small cross stitch and stem stitch. The edge is reinforced with a finer weave band and has a corded edging interspersed with little loops, perhaps meant for hanging. It is in very good condition and does not seem ever to have been used for whatever it was intended for. The design suggests the figures of the mother goddess found at Knossos (Crete) in 1903 and this seems about the right date. Other elements include the affronted beasts and the huntsman or warrior associated with her. The little figures interspersed with birds along the borders call to mind the sirena, another very important element in the folklore of Crete and throughout the Greek archipelago. The text reads: Mannen Unde Frouwen Vu Si Suochen Ritterspil Stechen Falkenieren Foresten Und Durnkeren Very roughly translated: Men and women want to watch a knights’ contest. Jousting, flying falcons, fighting against each other in a forest. Size 214cm/88" x 78cm/30"
price:  £350