The mud-covered walls of their huts are adorned with plain floral or animal motifs. In their villages wooden pillars stand with totemic or commemorative functions, and massive wooden doors protect the more  ...
The mud-covered walls of their huts are adorned with plain floral or animal motifs. In their villages wooden pillars stand with totemic or commemorative functions, and massive wooden doors protect the more  ...
The mud-covered walls of their huts are adorned with plain floral or animal motifs. In their villages wooden pillars stand with totemic or commemorative functions, and massive wooden doors protect the more important houses. The solid wood doors of these villages, single or double-leaf, are made of hand-hewn boards three to six cm in thickness, held together by sturdy laths secured on the outside by big hand-forged nails. Size: 3 x 6 Feet's
price:  400 USD