Jain Cosmology Painting of Lok Purush From Gujarat India.Hand Painted on the Cotton.The drawing is not just a painting for the sake of art. It contains deep explanations of Jain cosmology using  ...
Jain Cosmology Painting of Lok Purush From Gujarat India.Hand Painted on the Cotton.The drawing is not just a painting for the sake of art. It contains deep explanations of Jain cosmology using  ...
Jain Cosmology Painting of Lok Purush From Gujarat India.Hand Painted on the Cotton.The drawing is not just a painting for the sake of art. It contains deep explanations of Jain cosmology using  ...
Jain Cosmology Painting of Lok Purush From Gujarat India.Hand Painted on the Cotton.The drawing is not just a painting for the sake of art. It contains deep explanations of Jain cosmology using  ...
Jain Cosmology Painting of Lok Purush From Gujarat India.Hand Painted on the Cotton.The drawing is not just a painting for the sake of art. It contains deep explanations of Jain cosmology using  ...
Jain Cosmology Painting of Lok Purush From Gujarat India.Hand Painted on the Cotton.The drawing is not just a painting for the sake of art. It contains deep explanations of Jain cosmology using  ...
Jain Cosmology Painting of Lok Purush From Gujarat India.Hand Painted on the Cotton.The drawing is not just a painting for the sake of art. It contains deep explanations of Jain cosmology using  ...
Jain Cosmology Painting of Lok Purush From Gujarat India.Hand Painted on the Cotton.The drawing is not just a painting for the sake of art. It contains deep explanations of Jain cosmology using  ...
Jain Cosmology Painting of Lok Purush From Gujarat India.Hand Painted on the Cotton.The drawing is not just a painting for the sake of art. It contains deep explanations of Jain cosmology using the symbol of the cosmic man – with each component depicting an aspect of the universe in the Jain belief. C.1875 -1900. Its size is 70cmX117cm(20240105_133510).
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