An Rare and unusual Pahari or Chamba Rumal from Himachal Pradesh, India. Depicting the Ras Lila with Krishna and the Gopis in a circle surrounding a multi-petal lotus. Bordered with floral motifs  ...
An Rare and unusual Pahari or Chamba Rumal from Himachal Pradesh, India. Depicting the Ras Lila with Krishna and the Gopis in a circle surrounding a multi-petal lotus. Bordered with floral motifs  ...
An Rare and unusual Pahari or Chamba Rumal from Himachal Pradesh, India. Depicting the Ras Lila with Krishna and the Gopis in a circle surrounding a multi-petal lotus. Bordered with floral motifs  ...
An Rare and unusual Pahari or Chamba Rumal from Himachal Pradesh, India. Depicting the Ras Lila with Krishna and the Gopis in a circle surrounding a multi-petal lotus. Bordered with floral motifs  ...
An Rare and unusual Pahari or Chamba Rumal from Himachal Pradesh, India. Depicting the Ras Lila with Krishna and the Gopis in a circle surrounding a multi-petal lotus. Bordered with floral motifs  ...
An Rare and unusual Pahari or Chamba Rumal from Himachal Pradesh, India. Depicting the Ras Lila with Krishna and the Gopis in a circle surrounding a multi-petal lotus. Bordered with floral motifs  ...
An Rare and unusual Pahari or Chamba Rumal from Himachal Pradesh, India. Depicting the Ras Lila with Krishna and the Gopis in a circle surrounding a multi-petal lotus. Bordered with floral motifs  ...
An Rare and unusual Pahari or Chamba Rumal from Himachal Pradesh, India. Depicting the Ras Lila with Krishna and the Gopis in a circle surrounding a multi-petal lotus. Bordered with floral motifs with lotus flowers in the corners. These embroidered handkerchiefs were often marriage gifts. On a mill woven cotton base with silk floss embroidered satin stitches. C.1850 - 1875. Its size is 65cmX67cm (20240323_163751). Please email me at
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