An Rare Indigo Blue (natural Dye) Cotton costume From Chin Hills (Chin Hills are a range of mountains in Chin State, northwestern Burma (Myanmar),

that extends northward into India's Manipur state) North-East India.  ...
An Rare Indigo Blue (natural Dye) Cotton costume From Chin Hills (Chin Hills are a range of mountains in Chin State, northwestern Burma (Myanmar),

that extends northward into India's Manipur state) North-East India.  ...
An Rare Indigo Blue (natural Dye) Cotton costume From Chin Hills (Chin Hills are a range of mountains in Chin State, northwestern Burma (Myanmar),

that extends northward into India's Manipur state) North-East India.  ...
An Rare Indigo Blue (natural Dye) Cotton costume From Chin Hills (Chin Hills are a range of mountains in Chin State, northwestern Burma (Myanmar),

that extends northward into India's Manipur state) North-East India.  ...
An Rare Indigo Blue (natural Dye) Cotton costume From Chin Hills (Chin Hills are a range of mountains in Chin State, northwestern Burma (Myanmar),

that extends northward into India's Manipur state) North-East India.  ...
An Rare Indigo Blue (natural Dye) Cotton costume From Chin Hills (Chin Hills are a range of mountains in Chin State, northwestern Burma (Myanmar), that extends northward into India's Manipur state) North-East India. India. Late 19th Century. Belongs to the Kuki group of Chin people. Its size is 95cm x 98cm(20240224_171628).
price:  On Request