An elegant antique Uzbek silk on silk Atlas / abr Ikat Chapan /  Robe dating to the 3rd quarter of the 19th century. These particular types are often assumed as Uzbek  ...
An elegant antique Uzbek silk on silk Atlas / abr Ikat Chapan /  Robe dating to the 3rd quarter of the 19th century. These particular types are often assumed as Uzbek  ...
An elegant antique Uzbek silk on silk Atlas / abr Ikat Chapan /  Robe dating to the 3rd quarter of the 19th century. These particular types are often assumed as Uzbek  ...
An elegant antique Uzbek silk on silk Atlas / abr Ikat Chapan /  Robe dating to the 3rd quarter of the 19th century. These particular types are often assumed as Uzbek  ...
An elegant antique Uzbek silk on silk Atlas / abr Ikat Chapan /  Robe dating to the 3rd quarter of the 19th century. These particular types are often assumed as Uzbek  ...
An elegant antique Uzbek silk on silk Atlas / abr Ikat Chapan / Robe dating to the 3rd quarter of the 19th century. These particular types are often assumed as Uzbek when in fact they are likely Tajik productions… the wide sleeves were typical of Ferghana Ikats (but one should dwell on it too much, the geography of the Central Asia was much more complex and the cultural output very interwoven back in the pre-Soviet era of the region). The design is elegant and dazzling. Archaic motifs repeat in various shades of indigo and contrasts with white spots. The dyes are natural. It has a beautiful lining and a fanatic silk warp / cotton weft adras edging that is a generation older (a common trait). It is in good overall shape with some expected breaks on the silk here and there which does not distract the beauty. size: neck to bottom = 127cm (50") and Sleeve to sleeve = 130cm (51"). ……….. (If you message via rugrabbit and don’t get a response within 24 hours, then your message hasn’t got to us so please email directly to:
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