Fragment of a Large Samarkand Bowl, of conical form with steep flaring walls, stepped down to a low foot, slip-painted, decorated in brown on a slip ground with a single band of  ...
Fragment of a Large Samarkand Bowl, of conical form with steep flaring walls, stepped down to a low foot, slip-painted, decorated in brown on a slip ground with a single band of  ...
Fragment of a Large Samarkand Bowl, of conical form with steep flaring walls, stepped down to a low foot, slip-painted, decorated in brown on a slip ground with a single band of  ...
Fragment of a Large Samarkand Bowl, of conical form with steep flaring walls, stepped down to a low foot, slip-painted, decorated in brown on a slip ground with a single band of  ...
Fragment of a Large Samarkand Bowl, of conical form with steep flaring walls, stepped down to a low foot, slip-painted, decorated in brown on a slip ground with a single band of Kufic script below the rim under a transparent glaze. Samarkand, 10th century h. 9.8 cm; Diam. 32.5 cm Inscription: [Inna ‘l-salā]mata mā ṣamita wa innamā yubdī baṭānata dhī’l-‘u[yūbi kalāmun] ‘In truth, safety is in silence, and only speech shows the innermost of a flawed person’ Published: Arts from the Land of Timur. An Exhibition from a Scottish Private Collection. Edinburgh: Sogdiana Books, 2012. Cat. no 242; Iliasov, d., et al. ‘Net blaga v bogatstve…’ Glazurovannaia keramika Tashkentskogo oazisa ix-xii vekov. [‘There is no Blessing in Wealth…’ Glazed Ceramics of Tashkent Oasis, 9th-12th century]. Moscow: Mardzhani Foundation Publishing, 2016. Cat. no. 387.
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