In very good condition, this charming little camel-ground, tree-of-life prayer-rug was made by Timuri tribes circa 1900. The rug is complete with its brocaded elems and measures 1.35 x 0.86m (4' 5"  ...
In very good condition, this charming little camel-ground, tree-of-life prayer-rug was made by Timuri tribes circa 1900. The rug is complete with its brocaded elems and measures 1.35 x 0.86m (4' 5"  ...
In very good condition, this charming little camel-ground, tree-of-life prayer-rug was made by Timuri tribes circa 1900. The rug is complete with its brocaded elems and measures 1.35 x 0.86m (4' 5"  ...
In very good condition, this charming little camel-ground, tree-of-life prayer-rug was made by Timuri tribes circa 1900. The rug is complete with its brocaded elems and measures 1.35 x 0.86m (4' 5"  ...
In very good condition, this charming little camel-ground, tree-of-life prayer-rug was made by Timuri tribes circa 1900. The rug is complete with its brocaded elems and measures 1.35 x 0.86m (4' 5" x 2' 10").
price:  650 GBP