Interesting little Dokhtar-e-Qazi prayer-rug with an unusual design format having a powerful tree rising upwards to the prayer niche and the mihrab outlined in a natural yellow. 1.25 x 1.00m (4' 1"  ...
Interesting little Dokhtar-e-Qazi prayer-rug with an unusual design format having a powerful tree rising upwards to the prayer niche and the mihrab outlined in a natural yellow. 1.25 x 1.00m (4' 1"  ...
Interesting little Dokhtar-e-Qazi prayer-rug with an unusual design format having a powerful tree rising upwards to the prayer niche and the mihrab outlined in a natural yellow. 1.25 x 1.00m (4' 1"  ...
Interesting little Dokhtar-e-Qazi prayer-rug with an unusual design format having a powerful tree rising upwards to the prayer niche and the mihrab outlined in a natural yellow. 1.25 x 1.00m (4' 1"  ...
Interesting little Dokhtar-e-Qazi prayer-rug with an unusual design format having a powerful tree rising upwards to the prayer niche and the mihrab outlined in a natural yellow. 1.25 x 1.00m (4' 1" x 3' 3").
price:  1450 GBP