An exceptionally interesting seychour kuba with damage 
about 5 x 6 size ....Go to our new website -  Boylston Associates Antique Caucasian Rugs- for a good look and the price
An exceptionally interesting seychour kuba with damage 
about 5 x 6 size ....Go to our new website -  Boylston Associates Antique Caucasian Rugs- for a good look and the price
An exceptionally interesting seychour kuba with damage 
about 5 x 6 size ....Go to our new website -  Boylston Associates Antique Caucasian Rugs- for a good look and the price
An exceptionally interesting seychour kuba with damage about 5 x 6 size ....Go to our new website - Boylston Associates Antique Caucasian Rugs- for a good look and the price
price:  sold