Kurdish/Hamadan 3 ft 7 by 9 ft 9 inches. Just the prettiest old colors you'd ever want-- especially the tomato red border. The design is pretty neat: they  took a garden  ...
Kurdish/Hamadan 3 ft 7 by 9 ft 9 inches. Just the prettiest old colors you'd ever want-- especially the tomato red border. The design is pretty neat: they  took a garden  ...
Kurdish/Hamadan 3 ft 7 by 9 ft 9 inches. Just the prettiest old colors you'd ever want-- especially the tomato red border. The design is pretty neat: they  took a garden  ...
Kurdish/Hamadan 3 ft 7 by 9 ft 9 inches. Just the prettiest old colors you'd ever want-- especially the tomato red border. The design is pretty neat: they  took a garden  ...
Kurdish/Hamadan 3 ft 7 by 9 ft 9 inches. Just the prettiest old colors you'd ever want-- especially the tomato red border. The design is pretty neat: they  took a garden  ...
Kurdish/Hamadan 3 ft 7 by 9 ft 9 inches. Just the prettiest old colors you'd ever want-- especially the tomato red border. The design is pretty neat: they  took a garden  ...
Kurdish/Hamadan 3 ft 7 by 9 ft 9 inches. Just the prettiest old colors you'd ever want-- especially the tomato red border. The design is pretty neat: they took a garden variety Herati and lined it up in large scale single file down the field.
price:  SOLD