Large Jaff Bag Face-- 2 ft 3 by 3 ft 8 Inches . This is a real old one with fine old weave. Most wear is associated with brown oxidation.
Large Jaff Bag Face-- 2 ft 3 by 3 ft 8 Inches . This is a real old one with fine old weave. Most wear is associated with brown oxidation.
Large Jaff Bag Face-- 2 ft 3 by 3 ft 8 Inches . This is a real old one with fine old weave. Most wear is associated with brown oxidation.
Large Jaff Bag Face-- 2 ft 3 by 3 ft 8 Inches . This is a real old one with fine old weave. Most wear is associated with brown oxidation.
Large Jaff Bag Face-- 2 ft 3 by 3 ft 8 Inches . This is a real old one with fine old weave. Most wear is associated with brown oxidation.
price:  sold