19th Century
The dark blue ground is elaborately worked on the front and back in satin stitch and couched gold threads showing dragons, cranes, bats, precious objects and auspicious symbols
Center  ...
19th Century
The dark blue ground is elaborately worked on the front and back in satin stitch and couched gold threads showing dragons, cranes, bats, precious objects and auspicious symbols
Center  ...
19th Century
The dark blue ground is elaborately worked on the front and back in satin stitch and couched gold threads showing dragons, cranes, bats, precious objects and auspicious symbols
Center  ...
priest robe. 19th Century The dark blue ground is elaborately worked on the front and back in satin stitch and couched gold threads showing dragons, cranes, bats, precious objects and auspicious symbols Center back measurement: 50 inches, (Shoulder) Width: 70 inches
price:  P.O.R