Ceremonial cloth for the Waktu Telu religion, "pesujutan", cotton with supplementary weaving, 78" x 17", Sasak people, Lombok
Ceremonial cloth for the Waktu Telu religion, "pesujutan", cotton with supplementary weaving, 78" x 17", Sasak people, Lombok
Ceremonial cloth for the Waktu Telu religion, "pesujutan", cotton with supplementary weaving, 78" x 17", Sasak people, Lombok
Ceremonial cloth for the Waktu Telu religion, "pesujutan", cotton with supplementary weaving, 78" x 17", Sasak people, Lombok
Ceremonial cloth for the Waktu Telu religion, "pesujutan", cotton with supplementary weaving, 78" x 17", Sasak people, Lombok
price:  POR