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59911 items

Ersari pile-torba with kelim design, wonderful natural colors including a dark green, one side with complete original selvedge the other with ... read more
price:  ON REQUEST
Yomut Joval, 77 x 108 cm, 19th Century (No.29363)
price:  POR
Small anatolian kelim.
price:  Sold
Antique baluch rug. Turkish knotted. Nice large scale design. Fair condition. Very very dirty but looks to have all good colors, should ... read more
price:  sold
French Abusson or Tapestry ???,wool and silk,Very good condition,colours and desigen.Size 5'8"*4'8".E.mail for more info.
price:  Best Offer ???.
c143. Rare Muqori runner. The Muqori are a nomadic Pashtu-speaking group from southern Afghanistan. The field of this slit-weave kilim runner is ... read more
price:  US$950 inc delivery
c154. Shahsavan. c19. Rare soumak weave with bird motif. Two panels of a mafrash. Worn very thin in parts but structurally sound. ... read more
price:  US$1800 inc delivery
c159. Shahsavan. c19. Two mafrash panels joined. Simple but attractive. 101x92cm. Some minor wear and repairs. 3'4x3'. us$1500 inc delivery.
price:  US$1500 inc delivery
Kazak: register for the arts opening!' > link
price:  SOLD
Unusual tiny sarouk.
price:  sold
Seichur Rug. Size 60 x 96 Cm
price:  sold
a Distinctive Antique Caucasian Kazak Runner with beautiful colors and soft lustrous wool, 3.4x9.4 ft (104x287 cm), late 19th century.
price:  on request
Pair of Uzbek Lakai Tassels. Very nice pair of Lakai tassels on cross stitched panels. The tassel knots are bound in metal ... read more
price:  SOLD Thanks!
antique golden ceremonial shoulder cloth - Minangkabau - Sumatra - Indonesia - ca. 125 x 42 cm - 49 x 16,5 inch ... read more
price:  SOLD - THANKS
Antique large kazak rug. Great size and colorful. Offered "as found", dirty, a bit of wear and some old crude faded out ... read more
price:  sold
Early Cappadocian Kilim Fragment,70x230cm,mounted on linen.
price:  sold
Very rare antique Ersari- Beshir mid 19 th. century 145 x 218 cm. ... read more
price:  750,00 € + ship
Gorgeous little Tibetan saddle carpet!!! 20 x 46 inches Great color. Great wool. An unusual variation of the warp-faced back weave.
price:  POR
a few turkomans room 218
price:  sold
Unusual antique Kurd Bidjar rug. a rug that speaks for itself. i can only add that it is not for those concerned ... read more
price:  sold
antique east anatolian rug. Interesting design. Not great condition. Priced accordingly. 19th c. 3'11" x 6'7"
price:  Sold
Antique Caucasian Bordjalou Kazak Rug with classic zig zag border, Great Colours, 7.10 x 4.10 ft (239x152 cm), Dated 1322 (1904 ad). ... read more
price:  SOLD
Lahariya Tie and Dye Mothara Turban From Rajasthan.India.Its size is near by 15 to 18 miters.(DSC00005)
price:  On Request
Tibetan throne back rug, abt.1920-30, with exquisitely careful rendition of significant Bhuddist symbols.The paired fish are wonderful. Some repair at top.
price:  SOLD
persian flatweave, fragment
price:  P.O.R.
Mudjur Kelim, circa 1st Qtr. 19th c. Excellent Condition. Super Saturated Color. size: 13' x 3'. Unbelievable red abrashes.
price:  SOLD! ;-))
19th cent or more early uzbek cotton block print, it is lovelly piece, and very good small round shape motifs. it has ... read more
price:  POR
Orphrey panel from a 15c Flemish Chasuble. Very well preseved figure and fantastic gold thread work.
price:  Sold
Antique Caucasian Kilim Rug -Approximately 5 feet by 11 feet. a very well-designed and executed Kilim that is extremely pleasing to the ... read more
price:  SOLD
Antique Mexican Serape -Wool on Linen -74" by 38" This is a Saltillo style serape where the diamond center is an aggregate ... read more
price:  SOLD
Exceptionally Fine Handwoven Antique Mexican Serape -Wool/Linen. Approximately 40" wide by 78" long. Although we have had the pleasure of handling several ... read more
price:  SOLD
Large Kirghiz? Applique Panel 66" x 130" (approx. 5-1/2 ft. by 11 ft.) This looks like it could be a Kirghiz piece ... read more
price:  SOLD
Antique Afshar bag. Well drawn bottehs on an ivory ground. Nice collector´s piece.