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59864 items

Kurdish Bag 33" * 35".
price:  SOLD
fragment of the bottom of a ningxia temple hanging or pillar rug with some unusual design features. china late 18th
price:  SOLD
an 18th c. 4 lion-dogs ningxia square with very charming palette, wool and drawing. good condition for this age, rare today. china.
Very rare early Konya Yastik showing a stylized pomegranate tree, vestiges of original side cords, needful of a bath,32'' x 21''.
price:  ON REQUEST
Uzbek nomads Lakai Horse cover, very fine embroidery on red felt with original fringe, late 19th, in very good condition, the embroidery ... read more
price:  on request
Complete Shahsevan mafrash. 19th c. Nice dyes including a deep purple. Good condition w/minor moth damage.
price:  $750.00 w/free shipping in U.S.
This pictured piece, a uzbek tadjik kilim, is an interesting example of early 20th century Central Asian kelim work. The colour palette ... read more
price:  450$
Large Turkish Anatolian village rug with a+ colors. Size: 5'6"x6'6" or 166x196 Cm Coarsely woven with generally good pile, low areas and ... read more
price:  Sold
19th Century antique Uzbek nomads Lakai piece in excellent condition, very fine cross stiched silk embroidery, size is about 56/51cm without fringes, ... read more
price:  SOLD
Antique Uzbek Karakalpak rug, Central Asia, circa 1920, nice colors. In very good condition, full pile, have some damaged places, see ... read more
price:  on request
Antique Uzbek Djulkhir, bearskin, Central Asia, circa 1900, nice natural colors, the red color is run in some places, please see photos. ... read more
price:  700$
rare pair of tibetan child boots. leather and pulo wool.tibet, early 20th c. or before.
antique persian water container. An unusual example of a hand beaten copper and brass water vessel from Persia dating from the 19th ... read more
price:  Euros 325
Antique camel ground Baluch prayer rug. Origin: Northeast Persia, Khorossan province. Good condition. Size: ca. 140cm x 85cm / 4'6'' x 2'8'' ... read more
Rug & Textile Evening- The de Young Museum: A joint fund-raiser organized by artaa and the Department of Textile Arts at the de ... read more
price:  ARTS / SF RUG WEEK October 11-17
Anatolian Kilim,one panel with outstanding colours and very fine weave,good condition,Washed ready for display.Size 9'10"*2'10".
price:  Sold.
Nagel Auction September 7, 2010. Lot 113, Shirvan, Caucasus circa 1880. 147 cm x 111 cm. Full catalogue online now link
price:  Catalogue Price € 1500
Nagel Auction September 7, 2010. Lot 7, Textile with a Renaissance design, proably islamic Southern Europe 16th. century. 52 cm x 81 ... read more
price:  Catalogue Price € 800
Nagel Auction September 7, 2010. Lot 281, Yomud Ensi, Turkmenistan circa 1880. 160 cm x 125 cm. Full catalogue online now link
price:  Catalogue Price € 600
19th c. Qasqai? Large size 110 x 74 inches. Good condition. No repairs or holes or problems. even low pile.
price:  SOLD
Milas 4'.2" * 5'.7". Oxidized Browns, two small reweaves. Buyer pays shipping and insurance. other images at request
price:  SOLD
Antique Tekke Turkmen main carpet ( cental Asien ) late 19 th. 343 ... read more
price:  POR
fragment of a 17th century dragon robe. silk brocade with gold threads. china, 62x 68cm
the cranes fragment! nice gold ground silk brocade with gold-paper. china qing dynasty. 76x 18cm
price:  sold, thank you!
Here's a nice, turn of the century Kazak (1890's?), size is 50"x76", has foundation showing in several places, but not difficult for ... read more
price:  sold
Rabat. Marokko, 1880
price:  P.O.R.
antiqe bashir circa1850 225-415 cm amazing colors ,partly worn aera main rug for 2 days only 650$ plas ... read more
price:  3700$as is
18th century chinese ningxia square
price:  SOLD
Nagel Auction September 7, 2010. Lot 145, Kurdish Kelley, Northwest Persia circa 1780. 421 cm x 186 cm (14 feet x 6 ... read more
price:  Catalogue Price € 3000
a group of Jewish children with a teacher in Samarkand ca. 1910 from "Russia in Color, a Century Ago"' > link
price:  RUGRABBIT NOTE: Hello everyone. Peter Pap brought this link to our attention and we though that it might interest many of you. There are several rare color photographs of Central Asia and the Caucasus during the last years of the Russian Empire of the Czars. Enjoy!
late 19th century Shahsavan Bag. Size 1.9x1.9
price:  550.00+Shaping
this a 19th century suznai fragment. size 2.4x6.10
price:  sold
Nagel Auction September 7, 2010. Lot 91, Verneh, Caucasus mid 19th. century. 250 cm x 178 cm. Full catalogue online now link
price:  Catalogue Price € 2000
Fragmented early Yomud main carpet with wonderful colors and many interesting border elements and a minor Gul which is generally seen on ... read more
price:  ON REQUEST
Two fragments from an 18th. century Khotan main carpet: one fragment in good condition with high pile; another distressed. Each ... read more
price:  ON REQUEST