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59850 items

Antique Baluch balisht, archaic drawing, age: 19th century, very nice collector´s piece. Size: ca. 86x54cm / 2'8''ft x 1'8''ft
missing rugs - reward for information these rugs are my property. they were sent to turkey for repair 2 years ago and have ... read more
Kazak - about 8.9 x 3.7, Beautiful saturated color, wear areas throughout, newer side cords, overall repiling (mostly of ivory and yellow) ... read more
price:  SOLD. thanks.
An early Chichi dated 1247 hijri/1831Gregorian. Beautiful springtime color palette and great drawing of the classic border. Wear as can be seen. ... read more
price:  Por
An Oltenian Folk Kelim fragment, 9ft x 3.7ft. (275 x 115 cm.) Southern Romania, early 20 th. century. The design with ... read more
price:  sold, mulțumesc
Complete Caucasian bag, half khorjin, Karabagh? Cotton warp and weft. Luminous wool, very nice triple borders. Front in very good condition, small ... read more
price:  Sold, thank you
a Luri/Bakhtiari flatwoven (soumak) half khorjin bagface 4.9ft x 1.6ft. (150 x 50 cm.) early 20 th. century.
price:  $150 plus 45 P&P
19th century Baluch, unusual Mina Khani design, wide ferocious border. Soft wool and good colors. Corrosion of black dye. Size 48.8 x ... read more
price:  Sold, thank you
#1b208 Handmade antique Persian Kerman Lavar rug 8.1' x 11.1' ( 247cm x 338cm ) 1880.c
price:  SOLD
Antik Rabat Carpet Large Beautiful Shabby Chic Antique Moroccan Carpet Old repairs, worn in places and slit in one end. Size386x235
price:  SOLD
Antik Milas Carpet Large Beautiful Shabby Chic Antique Turkish Milas Carpet Old repairs, worn in places and slit in one end. Size : 386 x
price:  POR
1920/30 Mahal Carpet Little surface wear in places but generally ok. Size330cm x 230cm
price:  SOLD
East Anatolian Antique gaziantep cm 2.26 x 1.00 1880/90 circa
price:  in fair sartirana
Southwest of Persia- Qashkai animal trapping- head wear. Cowry shells, buttons and other ornaments with tassels with an old Qashkai strap.
price:  O.R.
#1c255 Handmade antique Persian Senneh rug 4.1' x 6.5' ( 126cm x 198cm ) 1900.c
price:  $1450
This big antique Persian Saruk carpet or so called "American Saruk" came out of an old German estate. It is very decorative ... read more
Cassowary feather headdress, Western Highlands, Papua New Guinea. Cassowary feathers, string, Mid-20th century, 16" (40.6 cm) high. This cassowary feather headdress is ... read more
price:  SOLD
Hopi rain sash, San Juan Pueblo, New Mexico. Hand woven cotton, corn kernels, mid 20th century, 94" (238.6 cm) long by 5.5" ... read more
price:  SOLD
#7410 Mandarin Chinese Rug This circa 1920 Mandarin Chinese rug measures 10’0” x 11’10” (304 x 362 cm). It has a dark gold ... read more
Ersari Bouchara, antique, beautifully aged, 1890 - 1910. Strong totem on the wall. Natural dye. Size 180 x 106 Cm. 6 feet ... read more
price:  sold
Armenian Karabach, with caracters. Zoroast symbols in the border. size 360 x 125 Cm. 12 feet x 4 feet 2 inch.
price:  sold
Man's ceremonial (cofradía) outfit, Chichicastenango, Guatemala. Wool, silk thread, Mid-20th century. 25" (63.5 cm) shoulder to hem by 59" (274 cm) across ... read more
price:  On request
Beautiful Tibetan Khaden in very Good condition. In the center it features , Tigma design surrounded by cloud/wave border, with multi color. 19th ... read more
price:  Please ask.
handsome caucasian w yellow Some repairs 3 ish x 6 ish
price:  $400 SOLD
Electric Balouch 3 x 5
price:  $425 SOLD
Meaty Balouch Great Reds and Corrosion 3'4" x 5'9"
price:  $395 SOLD
Beautifull Antique South Caucasian Lenkoran Area rare prayer rug
price:  Sold! Thank you..
9'9x11'8 Very pretty Serapi, late 19th century. Great color, missing one end border. Needs a bath, some small stains. Wear is evident in ... read more
price:  $950 plus shp.
Extremely rare antique moon shawl 1800 century in excellent condition. It has large peacock figures all over the moon shawl and each ... read more
price:  Sold
Unusual Yomud ok bash ca 1880 good colours very dirty $500 inc postage 55 x 47 cm
price:  $500 inc postage
Rare Pallav of a Baluchar Sari woven in silk Brocade From Murshidabad,West Bengal,India.Circa 1900.Here the pallu of the sari is decorated with ... read more
price:  Sold Thank you
19th Century Anatolian Erzurum Safh Kelim Size 160 x 225 cm
price:  Sold Thanks
Kutchi hand embroidered blouse top with Dheberia Rabari embroidery work with the finest needle work example from Kutch region Gujrat India.
price:  On request
An early 19th century Caucasian rug. Elegantly executed field design with a gorgeous color palette. Nice pile at the bottom and heavily ... read more
price:  por