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59866 items

Sirvan kilim 3 quarter 19c 190 350 cm fantastic colors
horjin side bachtiyar mid repair the nices horj of the year please look on the colors .prist win
unusuel size of bochtze torkeman antiqe kilim circa late 19.vag colors 100cm .105 aprox
An early Kazak frag with monumental scale. The top 3rd of a once great piece which is worn, holed, and has a ... read more
price:  SOLD
solt beg antiqe late 19 azarbaijan oll the colors are nice (veg) mint condition
a well drawn 4 lion-dogs ningxia square, 70x 75cm, china, second half 18th century.
Two chinese silks framed behind glass 11 x 29 / 24 x 29 cm
price:  P.O.R.
Afghan Teke Kachli Rug c.1870 measuring 4.8 x 4.0. 16-photos upon request
price:  2,250.00
Caucasian Kazak Prayer Rug c.1900-1910 measuring 4.1 x 3.0. 16-photos upon request.
price:  1,150.00 USD
Toraja Sekomandi - Funeral Blanket (from the highlands of Sulawesi - Celebes). All natural colours. Ikat/handspun cotton. Mid-20th c. Mint condition. 210x134 ... read more
price:  On request
Caucasian Soumakh fragment
price:  sold
Sumak, 32 x 32 cm
price:  P.O.R.
worn but beautiful, 42 x 103 cm
price:  P.O.R.
The London Antique Textiles, Costumes, Carpets & Tribal Art Fair celebrates its tenth anniversary -it remains the only Fair of its kind ... read more
Eberhart Herrmann Book -- Rare Oriental Rug catalog Vol. V Known for showing a wide assortment of the best and rarest examples of ... read more
price:  $100
small sarouk? with a yellow field. no repairs, 3 ft x 4 ft ,just a bit of wear-$475.
price:  sold
Eberhart Herrmann Book -- Rare Oriental Rug catalog Vol. IV Some of the best examples of woven art. Excellent quality images. Damaged binding, otherwise ... read more
price:  $100
Tibetan Tsukdruk, looped pile rug - a primitive form of ancient nomadic tibetan carpet weaving. 3 long strips sewn together vertically. Very ... read more
price:  POR
Tibetan Tsukdruk, looped pile rug - a primitive form of ancient nomadic tibetan carpet weaving. 3 long strips sewn together vertically. Very ... read more
price:  POR
45 x 64 cm, all colours natural
price:  P.O.R.
Beluch bag, perfect condition, 57 x 50 cm
price:  P.O.R.
sides damaged, 42 x 74 cm
price:  P.O.R.
Kente textile sizeis 320 cm x 220 cm very good condition
price:  p.o.r
Very early Ersari torba, with sharp drawing of central medallion. POR Nick Wright Sold, Thank You
price:  SOLD
This Is 19th Century Tekke Chuval The White are cotton.
Baluchi Balisht 1910 the colors are good.
price:  sold Thanks
Baluchi Balisht form 1910 All the Colors Are Good.
price:  sold Thanks
baluchi Balisht from the 1900
price:  sold Thanks
Tibetan oval saddle bottom piece,big knots, rare and early--before 1900, all dyes good. NIck Wright
price:  POR
Taschenfront, 45 x 46 cm
price:  P.O.R.
Supper Shiraz Piece. Fat wool, Good color & Age. 3.2x 2.8Ft. 2 old repairs. For more :' > link
price:  150 euro
Bagface with kilim back, 64 x 49/57 cm
price:  P.O.R.
68/97 cm x 16 cm
price:  P.O.R.
Unusual! An Afshar bag-face with 20 'kotchak' guls! Great natural colour - very good condition - possibly mid 19th century! 83cm x 58cm ... read more
price:  SOLD