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59864 items

Antiuqe Feraghan Sarouk,good condition,colours and desigen.E.mail for more info.
price:  Very Resonable
Turkoman (Tekke) Chyrpy- Designed to be worn on the head, it has vestigial sleeves on the back, and is technically a headcovering, not ... read more
price:  SOLD
Beautiful Old uzbek Lakai in great condition, 58/36 cms in the size, fine embroidery and very rare designe with blue and red
price:  POR
Very Rare and beautiful White Kirman textile, in great condition, Kirman come very often in red but white is very difficult to ... read more
price:  sold
Koller-Katalog, 26.Maärz 2009, Teppiche und Einrichtingsgegenstände
price:  4 €
Nagelkatalog, 52t
price:  4 €
very rare Antique turkmen collar from white tschirpi, super quality and colors, size: 150x12cm, take a look on my other listed items.
price:  SOLD
Antique Turkmen Tentband fragment, with fantastic colors, cotton spots, unusual field drawing and outer border, size: 190x32cm
price:  SOLD
a Fine Q'ashqa'i Bagface, late 19th Century, 2' 0" x 2' 0", in need of minor attention. Great wool and color.
price:  POR
3' 1'' x 4' 10'' 18th Century Turkish Prayer Rug
price:  $500
Superb Belutch ca. 88 x 151 cm. With a very rare Elem.
price:  On request
Afshar bag face, 1.7 by 2. Circa early 20th century. Charming little rug with animal figures. Lovely colors; lush pile has a ... read more
price:  sold
Kazak, 5.3 by 7.7. Circa 19th century. Possibly Armenian with various inscriptions. There are two hot colors applied sparingly on one ... read more
price:  sold
a late 19th Century Northwest Persian Rug, 5' 3" x 4' 1". Excellent condition - Full pile, with one small old ... read more
price:  POR
anatolian piece with brilliant colors
price:  POR
Nagelkatalog, 46 t, Teppichspezialauktion
price:  3 €
Indigo Kumo Shibori Koshimaki , Japan, late Meiji (c.1900), 101x61cm. The common English translation of the Japanese word shibori is "tie-dye"; however, ... read more
price:  SOLD
An 1890's Kurdish gallery size piece in perfect condition. 6' 5'' x 20' 10'' Thank you, this piece is sold.
price:  SOLD
Marsali Prayer Rug - 3' 9'' x 4' 8''
price:  SOLD
Rare and early tekke torba, C.1800,3ft3ins.x 1ft5ins
price:  SOLD
antq baktiyar very nice rug perfect condition size 3 x 2.08m
Exhibition Announcement: Turkish Prayer Rugs, Part 1 from Jim Dixon's Hesperides Collection. Click on the link or look in Rugrabbit's Exhibitions section ... read more
Antique Patan Patola Sari Fragment (quarter sari) pre 1900 Heirloom piece acquired from one of the two remaining weaving families of Patan, said ... read more
price:  SOLD
Shahsavan sumak bagface, 3rd Qtr. 19th c., 21" x 22". Am unaware of a published example of a Shahsavan sumak bag ... read more
price:  SOLD
Antique Tekke Chuval wonderful colours and excellent condition all colours are vegetable dye very fine work and very nice ... read more
price:  Sold Thankss
Antique ottoman textile 19. centry 70x30
price:  190 $
# 2476 Afshar Bagface Southeast Persia, 19th Century size 2-0 x 2-7 ft
price:  POR
Antique Luri bag face ca. 50 x 69 cm. ( most natural colors ) ... read more
price:  250,OO
a late 19th Century Yuruk Rug, 6' 7" x 3' 10". Overall good condition, with some small repairs present. Re-wrapped ... read more
price:  POR
a mid-19th Century Ghiordes Prayer Rug, 5'5" x 4'0". Great color with traditional pattern. Reselvedged, flat-stitch repairs, and normal wear ... read more
price:  POR
Silk temple cloth, Japan, early Showa (dated 1929), cm 212x113. This is an ‘uchishiki’, a cloth of rich silk used to decorate ... read more
price:  SOLD
Silk embroidered textile on silk ground DESCRIPTION from the center OUTWARDS: This square format embroidered textile measures 5’ 3’’ inches x 5’ 3’’ inches A ... read more
price:  P.O.R
Antique Kerman? maybe Isfahan? Its in good original condition. Awesome courting scene and wild animals. This magic carpet measures 4'4'' x 6'4''.
price:  sold
Old and very nice Aymara blanket, Bolivia or Peru, 133x110 cm. Fine patina and good colours. A few small repairs.
price:  SOLD